We all know that love is in the air. But for pet parents, love is in the paws, tail wags, rigorous booty shakes & endless licking too! And with Valentine’s Day around the corner, it is only fair to celebrate the week with our furry babies. And don’t you worry, we have planned everything for you. From Rose Day to Chocolate Day, we have some pawsome ideas.
- 7th February - Rose Day
Roses are the perfect way to tell someone that you love them. Sadly, roses are not entirely safe for your pets. So instead of showering them with rose petals, make a DIY rose spray for them!
All you need is a few rose petals, water & rose essential oil.
Take some water & let it boil. Once it starts boiling, pour the rose petals in it. Let it simmer for 3 to 5 minutes. Now take it off the burner & let it cool down. Once it has cooled, add 2 to 3 drops of rose essential oil in it. Pour the solution into a spray bottle & store it in your fridge. Use it to spray on your pets after their playtime or if you just want them to smell fresh, like roses!
- 8th February - Propose Day
What better way to propose to the love of your life than letting your pet do the honors! If you have been looking for a special day to make someone yours forever, then let your furry buddy be the ring bearer. We can promise, the only answer you will get will be a huge YES!
- 9th February - Chocolate Day
Always remember, CHOCOLATE is NOT SAFE for your PETS! To commemorate chocolate day, we would suggest using peanut butter instead! It is healthy, nutritious & yummilicous! We all know the benefits it has for your dogs. You can use it to make tasty & easy recipes.
- 10th February - Teddy Day
You don’t know this yet, but let us tell you, our pets love stuffed toys! And Teddy Day is the perfect day to come to this realization. Go shopping for the fluffiest, cutest & most adorable teddy out there. Surprise your pet with it & watch them sleeping, playing & talking to them!
- 11th February - Promise Day
We all love & care for our pets. But this promise day, let us pledge to protect, foster, feed & adore our strays too. Let us promise to do good by them too. Make some time to feed them, nurture them & if they are injured, nurse them back to health. A promise is a strong bond. Let us honor it this year.
- 12th February - Hug Day
If you are feeling low, dejected & worthless, then go hug your pets right now! Hug Day is meant to embrace your loved ones in your arms & forget the pain & agony you are going through. Because for you, your pet might be a part of your world, but for your pet, you are their world!
- 13th February - Kiss Day
Sloppy kisses to wake you up from your slumber or light kisses asking you for walks, our pets celebrate Kiss Day, every day! But it is time to play reverse Uno & smother them with hooman kisses. So go grab your mouth freshener & let your pets have a taste of their own medicine!
- 14th February - Valentine’s Day
The big day is finally here. It is a date with your pet! And may we suggest the woofiest gift in town for Valentine’s Day? It is the Wiggles “Be My Valentine” Box! It has everything that your pet needs on this occasion. The only catch? It’s a limited edition of 50 boxes only! So, don’t wait anymore and order one for your date, right now.
Let the sparks fly this season because it is Valentine’s Week! Enjoy!